I was hoping to find a 'church home' as well as a place to teach Body Recall in Corvallis. I noticed a float in the Christmas parade that had some really rocking music, from Grace Lutheran Church so I made a mental note to check it out. I saw this church while out driving one day, and on impulse stopped in. They have a married pastor couple, Pastor Wendell and Pastor Netsie. Pastor Wendell was in, and saw me right away, which made me feel good. He was encouraging to me about the possibility of teaching Body Recall there. It has taken awhile, but looks like it will happen in March. I saw that they are a "Reconciling in Christ" congregation, welcoming gay and lesbian folks, which gave me a good feeling. Plus I just like the idea of anything with the word "Grace" in the title.
I finally went to services this morning. In my Methodist and Presbyterian backgrounds, we do not get down on our knees. Here you have the option. I like the idea of being able to get on my knees. If one is having very serious thoughts about something, being on your knees gives that appropriate feeling of seriousness.
I am used to communion where we first take the bread as we receive it, and wait for the juice to drink together. Here, you are handed the wafer which you dip into your choice of juice or wine. Wine! That definitely has a more serious flavor than juice that I am used to. But I ate my wafer before dipping, not knowing about the dipping, so Pastor Netsie gave me another and discretely explained.
Their choir was small - just 8 women and 3 men today. But they are very good - the had the sound of a larger choir. I also stayed for the contemporary service which had a worship band of 7 and the music was enjoyable. They have a Steinway grand piano, and a man played a wonderful Beethoven piece. After the service I told him how much I enjoyed it. He told me that he was the one who raised funds for the piano, and they did it in just 4 months. That was impressive.
Several people were friendly to me. I am interested in many of the church activities, so I think this is going to work out. Plant a peace tree at an Islamic Center. Chinese School Lantern Festival. Holden Village Retreat. Mission trips to Kenya and Mexico. How about a field trip to the lambing barns at OSU? Sign me up!
A Holden Village retreat - DEFINITELY!